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  Have you experienced a nagging pain that seems to have come out of nowhere? Where you can’t pinpoint a specific event that triggered your symptoms, but somehow they are suddenly there? We now understand that this type of pain may not have actually ...

  World Spine Day 2024!   October 16th, 2024 marks the 16th annual World Spine Day, coordinated by the World Federation of Chiropractic. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the global burden of spinal pain and disability, empowering ...

This blog is going to outline some of the best stretches to start taking care of your posture, neck strain and headaches. Our next blog post will outline the best strengthening exercises to help with pain. The neck, your cervical spine, takes on so much ...

spine, back, chiropractic, chiropractor, king west, toronto

Your spine is a really important part of the body. I would argue the most important part of the body. It is comprised of 33 bones; 7 in the cervical (or neck) region, 12 in the thoracic (or midback), 5 in the lumbar (or low back) region and 5 fused bone that ...

pillow, chiropractor, Toronto, neck pain, headaches

As a chiropractor I get asked all the time for a good pillow recommendation!! In this blog I talk about the best pillow to avoid neck pain, headaches and that is chiropractic friendly! A good pillow for sleeping should be comfortable to lay your head upon, but ...

energy boosters, de-stress, chiropractic, chiropractor, king west, toronto

Lacking energy this fall? Everyone is familiar with all-out energy drain, those times when no matter how enticing that new movie, fabulous shoe sale, or friendly barbecue, you just can’t psych yourself up to go. What can be harder to recognize is chronic ...

Looking for a solution to your low back pain? Did you know 85% of people suffer from low back pain at some time in their life. The evidence shows that manual therapy such as the chiropractic adjustment and exercise prescribed from a trained specialist are 2 of ...

breastfeeding, chiropractic, chiropractor, Toronto, King West, healthy

Experiencing difficulty breastfeeding can be very difficult for moms. There is so much pressure to be the perfect mother, and it’s easy to worry about what could be causing these issues. Just know that seeking out information and trying to find solutions is ...

headaches, headache, chiropractor, chiropractic, king west, toronto

Whether you have frequent migraines, or a headache every once in a while, their secret cause may be a chiropractic issue. Headaches are a pain in the head and can vary in duration, location and sensation. Chiropractic can help alleviate pain from a number of ...

posture, back pain, neck pain, headaches, chiropractor, chiropractic, king and spadina, king west, toronto

Poor posture is more prevalent than ever. One of the main stresses to our posture is the bags we carry around and the loads in those bags. Kids and backpacks just seem to go together. Whether you are heading out on holiday with the kids or sending them off to ...

brain function, chiropractic, chiropractor, king west, toronto, posture, back pain, neck pain

Good brain function is so important. The brain is the master control system of the body, when it isn’t functioning at its best you surely feel it throughout all the body systems. Most people meet chiropractic care in their lives because they are ...

sore back, strengthen core, back pain, chiropractor, chiropractic, toronto, king west

Struggling with a sore back is common these days. Most people spend the majority of their work day sitting at a desk. This leads to the hip flexor or psoas muscles to be in a shortened position all day which results in tightness of the muscle. The low back ...

low back pain, low back adjustment, chiropractic, chiropractor, king west, toronto

Up to 85% of Canadians will experience low back pain at one point in their life. 31% of Canadians report they aren’t able to do certain hobbies and activities because of low back pain. These reports totally surprise me… I ask myself why would one ...

golf, stretches, pain, back pain, posture

Pain shouldn’t be par for the course. One key to success on the golf course can’t be found at the pro shop. It’s the physical condition of the golfer. Stay in the game by protecting your back. When you consider the spinal rotation that goes into a golf ...

gratitude, health, chiropractor, chiropractic, wellness

What is true wellness? Well it encompasses a whole lot of things. One of those things is GRATITUDE. What is GRATITUDE? ….. an emotion expressing appreciation for what one has. To quote a scientist that has studied the topic, Mr. Robert Emmons. Gratitude ...

healthy food, wellness, health

Last night we had an awesome healthy wild salmon dinner. I must admit salmon hasn’t always been my favourite piece of fish to cook or eat, but, I know how good and healthy it is for me so I keep cooking and eating it. The healthy benefits of salmon seems ...

back health, spine, chiropractic, chiropractor, toronto, king west

Your back health can have a direct impact on your overall well- being. Your back has two main purposes: it allows you to stand, supporting your arms and legs; and it protects your spinal cord which communicates messages between your brain and the rest of your ...

Exercise, healthy, happy, chiropractic, chiropractor, king west

When the days are getting shorter and the air outside is a lot colder, it’s tempting to stay indoors and avoid exercise and instead do things that bring us comfort, like read books and watch movies. However, oftentimes our favourite winter activities leave ...

Back healthy, pediatric, chiropractic, chiropractor, back pain, neck pain

For all you new mama’s and papa’s, here are some tips and tricks to keep your back healthy once your new bundle of joy arrives! Lighten your load Choose a diaper bag that distributes weight evenly across your body to limit the stress of isolated ...

stretches, health, back pain

Here are Dr. Erin’s TOP 5 STRETCHES to maintain mobility and flexibility this winter season. The other day I was having an, as always, amazing chat with my best friend about the mentality of people over the winter to want to hibernate! The holidays are ...

Everyone knows about setting resolutions for the New Year, but what many don’t know is how Chiropractic care can help! Did you know? Chiropractic care trigger’s your bodies ability to heal? Chiropractors recognize that there are many factors that ...

Spine Health, Back Hain, avoid injury

Winter is HERE, even though it officially doesn’t start for a couple more days and that means icy roads and sidewalks. Practice good Spine Health by walking like a penguin this winter season. THE WRONG WAY: Usually, when we walk our legs ability to ...

low back pain, shovelling

Snow Shovelling Tips to avoid low back pain Winter weather can pack a punch and, with the season’s heavy snowfalls, injuries often result, especially low back pain. Improper snow shovelling is often to blame. But shovelling out after a storm doesn’t have ...

UNLIKELY!! Fall and winter time with these shortening days can be HARD and cause us to lack energy. I love this map clearly showing that the Southern Ontario region is unlikely to get any Vitamin D hanging around outside this December. Patients keep coming in ...

Video only allowes vimeo and youtube!

Loved listening to this video by Gary Vaynerchuk. You can check it out by visiting this facebook link…. https://www.facebook.com/gary/videos/10154718854763350/ Optimism is a key pillar of success. If your mind is stuck in thinking negative thoughts, in ...

I received in my email box this week a monthly newsletter from the ICPA, International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. This association works hard to educate the public about what is chiropractic care and how it can directly benefit your health, focusing ...

Does your job find you sitting most of the day? Struggling with posture strains? While sitting can seem restful, keep in mind that staying in any one position for long periods of time can cause strain and injury to your muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. ...

More and more often we are seeing mom’s come into the chiropractic clinic ready to “take care of themselves again”! Women between the ages of 24-40 are busy climbing the career ladder at work, caring for their young children at home and balancing their ...

We got your back! Happy Halloween from your King West Chiropractor! Moving spine = healthy spine = good posture = healthy nervous system = body functioning = health = wealth = Chiropractic Book online at http://drerinmadonia.janeapp.com or We can help!

Here is a great article by Joseph Mercola, D.O. talking about some key thoughts and information about the Organic Food Industry! http://pathwaystofamilywellness.org/Nutrition/which-organic-label-should-you-trust.html Key points from his article: 1. Organic ...

As you read this article, more than likely on your phone or tablet, take a moment to notice your posture. There’s a good chance that your back is hunched, your head is tilted forward and your shoulders are rounded. When school season starts many students ...

pediatric-chiropractic Chiropractic care is important in maintaining a healthy spine, a healthy posture and a healthy nervous system. Chiropractic should be started as early as when you are still in your mothers womb. Believe it or not this is the first time ...

I am just back in the office this week after spending some time in Kona, Hawaii for the Ironman World Championship! I was visiting because my dad Phil Madonia, age 55, #442 on race day was competing. The week leading up to the race you could feel the energy ...

What a great time I had last Thursday night at the Business Women of Toronto Networking Event! Thank you for inviting me to speak a little about CHIROPRACTIC and how to handle stress as a mom and a business women. Stress can come in so many forms – ...

Did you know…. ? in most people gluten (and therefore bread) links to gut inflammation, brain fog, weight gain, and autoimmune disease. This amazing #bulletproof bread is low carb, all #fat and #protein to keep you #fatburner and #energyproducing ...

As we age the spine undergoes dramatic changes… spinal discs and joints degenerate, ligaments, muscles and other spinal tissues get weaker, dehydrate and become stiffer, our spines are less able to withstand normal stresses. This cascade of events can ...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZ7k_tlrKRQ ‪#‎anxious‬ ‪#‎stressed‬ a little ‪#‎depressed‬ Things happen, but we can help control how we feel through it. I LOVE this video. Little pointers to get you out of that negative cycle of feeling and ...

Fall marathon season is just around the corner!  Many runners love to get out and run but often forget to take the time afterward to stretch it all out. Stretching is most recommended for after a workout.  Stretching before a workout can lead to decreased ...

The brain is the master control system for the entire body. It sends and receives all of the signals within the body to dictate every single function of the body!  From waving your hand at a friend to say hi, to sending a text message, to washing our faces ...

Looking for #healthy . When was your #spine last checked?

I love this picture and blurb out of Harvard. I have this conversation in the office with people all the time. Your spinal cord, the communication of information between the brain and the rest of the body, runs through your spine. When it is in a poor position ...

Read this awesome article on Family Health and Wellness Remember Health is not the Absence of Disease

This special announcement is to let you know that this Friday is World Spine Day!! Check out : http://www.worldspineday.org/   The theme this year is “Your Back at Work”.  Tweet your spine selfie!!

DrKarinSept2015Col Fall is here and the leaves haven’t turned yet!  We know you will be raking and possibly planting soon however, when Mother Nature is ready. If you need a reminder about spinal health while gardening, please drop by the clinic for ...

physical examination

The physical examination will follow the history taking. The point of the exam is to determine which structures and tissues are affected in each case. The physical examination involves the use of a variety of testing techniques. Range of motion, posture ...

The report of findings

The last portion of the initial visit is the report of findings. This is when the Chiropractor explains the diagnosis to you and the treatment plan that is to be implemented. This is when all questions and concerns are addressed.  

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